Just a reminder that the Beartooth Pony club has a continual fund raiser of recycling newspapers. The papers can be dropped off at Anderson Tire,3741 Montana (where the big green statue of a man is holding a tire), owners Tom and Debra Bonogofsky whom are long time supporters of PC. There is a big box in the alley warehouse for the newspapers. Just let someone know what you are doing. Or papers can go directly to Thermoquard, 451 Charles, which is in the industrial section and one block east of Daniels (SYSCO is on Daniels). If your are unfamiliar with the area, take Monad east until the 4 way stop sign SYSCO will be on the north, go one more block on turn right, go two blocks south and Thermoguard is on your right. Go inside and tell them you have papers for pony club. They will weigh the papers and credit PC with the amount. Pony Club will also have their annual garage sale. If you have any items for this, HOLD on to them until late April. Larger items will be taken on a % basis. The money raised helps to send children to camps, rallies, meetings and purchase books or other learning materials. Please pass this email along to your friends. Diane